Mamiya Slide

This is from my first roll of slide film through my Mamiya 645. This camera is slowly working its way up my favourite cameras to take on trips with me. I wish I could afford the 645 AFDII but that is a bit of a pipe dream right now. The images are just scanned and some have had exposure changes but they are presented as is. This is the same for all my film images (the odd B&W conversions snakes in). The film I used was Fuji Provia 100f RDPIII and I have plenty more to shoot (maybe some 35mm too?), so keep your eyes peeled!

As always, these images are low res. If you want to see a high res version, just drop me a message.

Wales Trip-2I think this one is my favourite of the set.

Wales Trip-3

Wales Trip-4

Wales Trip-5

Wales Trip-6

Wales Trip-7

Wales Trip

Thanks for looking,


‘Take more photos’