Depth of Film

Most people my age (25ish) are blessed with the benefit of growing up in an age of digital revolution with instant gratification. My passion for photography actually ended up coming from my first film camera, Holga 120CFN. A camera as basic as can be but it allowed a lot of experimentation. In the last year or so this has been lost on me, due to expensive film processing and fewer local locations, my film photography has been dormant.

I’m also a collector of film cameras so I’ve recently purchased a few but the one standout has to be the Canon EOS5. Everyone in the digital world knows all about the EOS5D and its successors the MkII and MkIII. The legacy of these modern digital cameras was based on the quality and performance of the original EOS5 SLR. I wanted to share with you why this camera is still held in high regard by many film photographers

So after all that waffle here are the best of the first ever roll of film I’ve put throughmy Canon EOS5. The film was a cheap AGFA200 from Poundland and processed and scanned by Boots. I’m working on getting a scanner so I don’t have to rely on their terrible developing and scanning quality.

Canon Eos5-1 Canon Eos5-8 Canon Eos5-7 Canon Eos5-6 Canon Eos5-5 Canon Eos5-4 Canon Eos5-2

I took a mixture of indoor and outdoor shots but have yet had chance for any night shots just yet. Obviously the B&W photos have been post processed but it still shows what film does best, the contrast range of an image. Very little else has been edited on these photos to try and best represent the quality of film.

I hope you enjoy the photos and if you’ve never shot film I suggest to grab yourself a decent film SLR off of eBay and load in some film and get shooting.

Thanks again,

Andy Johnny Young

‘Take More Photos’